Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Stuff / Old Stuff / In progress stuff

Hola Amigo's, I know it's been a while since I rapped at ya, but there's been a TON of stuff going down as of late. This stuff here is just a bit of what I've been working on. Some's old, some is new, blah blah blah, hope you dig. more to come!

Gotta love the oil paints ...

Everyone's favorite character, The White Tick!

I be blowin' the soul outta this here horn ...

This one, along with it's two siblings, is up at the Highbury at the moment.

A Massive piece that I did live, still working on it.

Another live one, still being hammered out.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Highbury killin'

I've been trying to get down to the Highbury for all of their "Sucker Free" Monday shows, usually once or twice a month. Dj Bizzon hosts, while Echo hosts / MC's the night. It's usually a good turnout with lesser known gems from all over the midwest coming to showcase their style. This one I did a while back and just found the pics. I go blank sometimes and just fall back on standard stuff, like creepy faces, as subject material. This one came out nicely, though.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A few pics from the Stonefly show

Dj Bizzon was kind enough to snap these photo's in between killing a sweet DJ set and intermediating THE TAKEOVER! I'll get the finished one up here very soon ... a high def. camera is most definitely on the "to get" list this season ...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A very very long overdue Posting

Well people's, life has been pretty nutso as of late so I haven't had the time to add to this site. I've recently been painting with a DJ buddy of mine, DJ Bizzon, and it's been a crazy crazy time. Lot's of live painting along with other job stuff and school. Did I mention it's nutso? Just to satiate any need for drawings, I'm uploading a few sketchbook pics. More from the live stuff soon to come!

I've been messing with the idea of screaming flowers for a new painting series ...
Another flower ...

A troll lookin' thing

A pre-drawing for a painting I did live at a Rap Battle at Stonefly

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

More Sketchbook Stuff

I've been working on some root theory stuff this break, trying to get it sewn up is harder than I thought. Too much going on. Here's some sketchbook stuff, I've been on a real gorilla kick lately, enjoy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Highbury show

Been getting down with some people out at the Highbury every monday as of late. Good shows that are producing some cool works!